Play Full The Ninth Gate in Best Video Format..
Now you can see The Ninth Gate in best quality with duration 133 Min and has been aired on 1999-12-23 with MPAA rating is 217.- Title Of Movie : The Ninth Gate
- Genres of movie : Horror, Mystery, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1999-12-23
- Companies of movie : Lionsgate, Artisan Entertainment, Canal+,
- Countries of movie : Spain, France, Portugal,
- Language of movie : Français, Latin, Português, Español, English,
- Durationof movie : 133 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.2
- Youtube ID of movie : V1ueyfoNTdU
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,ES,RU,PT,TR,IT,FR,NL,PL,SV,HU,ZH,CS,FI,EL,JA,RO,DA,NO,
- Actors of movie :Johnny Depp (Dean Corso), Frank Langella (Boris Balkan), Lena Olin (Liana Telfer), Emmanuelle Seigner (The Girl), Barbara Jefford (Baroness Kessler), Jack Taylor (Victor Fargas), José López Rodero (Pablo & Pedro Ceniza/1st & 2nd Workmen), James Russo (Bernie), Willy Holt (Andrew Telfer), Allen Garfield (Witkin), Tony Amoni (Liana's Bodyguard), Jacques Dacqmine (Old Man), Joe Sheridan (Old Man's Son), Rebecca Pauly (Daughter-In-Law), Catherine Benguigui (Concierge), Maria Ducceschi (Secretary), Jacques Collard (Gruber), Dominique Pozzetto (Desk Clerk), Emanuel Booz (Baker), Lino Ribeiro de Sousa (Hotel Porter), Asil Raïs (Cabby), Bernard Richier (Cafe Owner), Marinette Richier (Cafe Owner)
Movie summary of :
Play full The Ninth Gate in Top Video Format with movie synopsis "An all-expenses-paid international search for a rare copy of The Nine Gates of the Shadow Kingdom brings an unscrupulous book dealer deep into a world of murder, double-dealing and satanic worship." in High Quality Video. Full Streaming The Ninth Gate in HD Quality.
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Director : Roman Polanski, Novel : Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Screenplay : John Brownjohn, Screenplay : Roman Polanski, Producer : Roman Polanski, Producer : Mark Allan, Producer : Antonio Cardenal, Executive Producer : Michel Cheyko, Executive Producer : Wolfgang Glattes, Producer : Adam Kempton, Producer : Iñaki Núñez, Producer : Alain Vannier, Line Producer : Suzanne Wiesenfeld, Original Music Composer : Wojciech Kilar, Director of Photography : Darius Khondji, Editor : Hervé de Luze, Casting : Howard Feuer, Production Design : Dean Tavoularis, Art Direction : Gérard Viard, Set Decoration : Philippe Turlure, Costume Design : Anthony Powell, Production Manager : Laura Stuart, Screenplay : Enrique Urbizu
Yes, now you can view movie of The Ninth Gate 100 % length and get the hyperlink to this video The Ninth Gate in best video format.